Awards, Johnson & Bell, Lifetime Achievement, Client Outcomes

Representative Summary Judgments

May 5, 2015
  • Obtained summary judgment for a landscaping and snow removal contractor client, and recovered costs and fees related to the defense of the case from a codefendant subcontractor. Plaintiff slipped and fell outside of a bank, breaking her leg.
  • Plaintiff claims to have been injured in the course of breaking down a trade show. Represented a party responsible for maintenance of the premises, and obtained summary judgment for our client on negligence, indemnity and contract claims.
  • Obtained summary judgment for a hospital where a construction worker suffered serious injury during the course of construction at the hospital.
  • Obtained summary judgment for a product manufacturer where plaintiff claimed that the accident (wherein she lost both legs) occurred as a result of a failure of the products.
  • Obtained summary judgment for the manufacturer of a hot water dispenser that was alleged to have caused flooding in a residential kitchen.
  • Obtained summary judgment for landscaping company. Plaintiff slipped and fell on rocks in a restaurant parking lot fracturing both elbows.
  • Plaintiff slipped and fell on flag stone steps, suffering multiple spinal fractures, disc herniations with related neurologic injury.  Obtained summary judgment for landscaping contractor that designed and installed the steps and maintained the property.
  • Obtained summary judgment for a landscaping/ snow removal contractor. Plaintiff slipped and fell on snow and ice fracturing his leg.
  • Obtained summary judgment on behalf of a property owner and manager where plaintiff was claiming fraud, conspiracy and wrongful eviction.
  • Obtained summary judgment for a landscaping contractor whose back hoe was struck by a moving car. Plaintiff’s car was a total loss and plaintiff had multiple leg fractures.
  • Obtained summary judgment for a hotel and its general manager in a case where plaintiff was claiming malicious prosecution relating to a trespass arrest and bomb threat.
  • Obtained summary judgment for a table saw operator sued by a user who suffered the loss of multiple fingers while operating the product.
  • Plaintiff was injured while working on a production line.  Obtained summary judgment for client based on Illinois’ “Loaned Servant” doctrine.
  • Obtained summary judgment for a pump manufacturer where plaintiff sued after being sprayed with molten asphalt product used in road paving.
  • Obtained summary judgment for a telecommunications company sued when plaintiff suffered serious injury related to a utility pole. Took over defense of case after prior defense counsel was previously denied summary judgment.
  • Obtained summary judgment in favor of a fast-food restaurant where plaintiff alleged he was injured in a slip and fall accident at the restaurant.
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